#4: How to eat healthy
So what foods are best to eat or to avoid?
Eat healthy organic, grass fed meat, diary and eggs
Eat live foods (cultured, fermented, probiotics)
Chew your food thoroughly
Avoid processed, refined sugar and white flour
Avoid microwaves, plastic bottles, tin cans
Avoid food that has preservatives, are chemically processed or have synthetic agents in them
Drink plenty of good quality water
Be aware of foods that have substitute sugar or sweetness in them
Avoid foods that make you feel bad straight after eating them.
If a food makes you feel bad up to two hours after eating them i.e. symptoms like bloating, gas, stomach pains etc. then these foods should be avoided.
Avoid rotting food as fungus in it which can make you put on weight
Skipping meals put stress on the bodies systems
Have breakfast before you have tea or coffee because tea and coffee release cortisol.
Eat clean whole foods
Eat clean whole foods Use ghee (purified butter), lard, grass fed butter and coconut oil to cook with.
PS did you catch my free e-book:-
Some Quick Tips that your can Implement Straight Away (FREE E-BOOK)
The entire contents of this blog is based purely on the opinion of Kelly K, unless otherwise stated. This information is not intended or implied to replace a qualified health professional or professional medical advice. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this blog is for general information purposes only. Always consult your doctor or health care professional. This information is not intended for medical advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.