#17: How to stop hot flushes?
What causes hot flushes?
Could it be your hormones are out of balance? Hormones play a large part in keeping the body in balance. The scientific name for this is homoeostasis.
Menopause is also when the body becomes out of balance. It may be that you're not getting the right nutrition and so your body will go out of alignment. This puts pressure on the internal systems.
For example if you are deficient in progesterone you will have symptoms of hot flashes and night sweats which can cause sleep disturbances.
How would you know if you are deficient in progesterone? Well apart from experiencing symptoms of hot flushes, night sweats and sleep disturbances which would be a good indication you can do a hormone test to find out exactly what homeowners are out of balance.
You could also be deficient in oestrogen which is another hormone that can become out of balance for many different reasons.
Let's have a look at some of the reasons that could make your hormones become out of balance:-
Congested liver
Adrenal dysfunction
Autoimmune disease
Poor nutrition
Bacterial overgrowth
Zenooestrogen's mimic oestrogen in the body and disrupt the endocrine system. Too much oestrogen in relation to progesterone causes an imbalance in the body. Also worth noting is that oestrogen is a fat storing hormone.
So what can you do to help with hot flashes, (here is somethings you can incorporate to make a start with):-
Improve your diet
Drink a good quality water
Clear up inflammation
Eliminate stress
Find out if you're premenopausal
Get rid of toxins
Reduce parabens
Make sure your liver is working efficiently
It is possible to of hot flashes in about 7 to 10 days if you start working on the above.
Let me know how you get on and best of luck.
Until next time, this is
Kelly K
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The entire contents of this blog post is based purely on the opinion of Kelly K, unless otherwise stated. This information is not intended or implied to replace a qualified health professional or professional medical advice. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this blog post is for general information purposes only. Always consult your doctor or health care professional. This information is not intended for medical advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Kelly K
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7 Easy to Implement Strategies to get the Perfect Body at 50+
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